Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Bici Digna's First Wheel Build!

As taught by Arlen Jones. Photographs by Andy Rodriguez. Bici Digna meets every Wednesday from 9am-12pm at IDEPSCA and is a collaboration with LACBC's City of Lights program.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Retreat! Retreat!

This past weekend the Bicycle Kitchen closed up shop and jumped on our bikes for a 30+ ride to camp and retreat at Malibu Creek State Park. We used the two days to refresh ourselves on consensus and what it means to be a cook and...HAVE FUN together! It was facilely facilitated by Matt Edwards, he of the crocodile hand gestures and dreamy eyes.

Here's a photo. One of the crew that rode out on Saturday. THANKS FOREVER to our savior, Jenny, in a support vehicle who saved our butts in the 105ยบ ride through the Valley. A super shout-out to the crew of organizers, Arlen, Joe, Colin, Drew, Molly, Elena, Erica Potter, Jonny Green and JP!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Have a Great 3 Day Weekend! We sure will.

Happy Friday of Fourth of July Weekend!

We will be closed Saturday, Sunday and Monday for the July 4th 3 day weekend. Hopefully, the cooks will ride their bikes, go to the beach, eat good food, drink tasty cold beverages, pet their cats and generally goof off!

We'll resume regular hours on Tuesday from 6:30-9:30pm.

Happy BBQ-ing!

Your Friendly Neighborhood Cooks