During our holiday closure, the Smooth Shifting Gruppo blew through an incredible makeover! They re-painted the walls, built a new counter and re-designed the tool boards. Now, each stand has it's own tool board with a shared middle board for those tools that don't get used often enough to cause a fight. Some tools that are specialized and/or have been going missing a lot are now stored behind the counter, so that if someone needs one they have to check with a cook first. We've also put the locks, lights, fixed cogs, chains and other small new parts back there, so if there's something you think you might want or need just ask!
The best part about the re-org according to Emily, the Smooth Shifting Head Honcho? "We were able to keep the window to the truing room open!" Viva Sunlight into the darkness of the pick-a-part dungeon!
Aaron Kuehn, designer extraordinnaire who created our logo is handpainting signs! You can see one of them here:
What a great way to start this new year, 2010, which just happens to mark the FIFTH YEAR that we have been on Heliotrope Dr. here in Los Angeles' unofficial Bicycle District. Come by and see how purty it is!!!
Happy New Year!!!
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