Square is how we roll, How 'bout you?
On Saturday, April 28th from 9opm-12pm, come on down to Frogtown to dance with us!
Our dear friends Triple Chicken Foot, along with The Stoney Point Sword Swallowers, will be providing the tunes, and the dances will be called by the one and only Susan Michaels.
All of the fun is going to be happening at Nomad Studios, a real gem of a space, located at 1993 Blake Avenue, LA, CA 90039.
There will be a requested donation of $10 at the door, and all of the dough will go towards the Bicycle Kitchen's purchase of a permanent home!
For those who arrive by bicycle, there will be complementary bike valet provided by LACBC.
Visit bicyclekitchen.com for more information about all of our fundraising shenanigans.
Please share this with all your buddies; the more folks we have to dance with the merrier!
Appologies for the wack-o text colors; I don't know how to fix it!